Personalized Digital Invitations


Elevate Your Wedding: Set Yours Apart with Distinctive, Personalized Web Invitations

Send Personal Invitation
Your Own Event Webpage
Share Details of Big Day!

eInvite for any Event!

Your one-stop solution for crafting invitations tailored to any occasion. With versatile invites for weddings, birthdays, house-warming, corporate events, and more has never been simpler. Contact us to get your perfect invitation today with WebVite





How it Works?

Share Photos & Videos

Share images, videos, guest's contact details and event details confidently, knowing that your information is protected every step of the way. All your content shared with us are encrypted and kept securely.

We Design

Make your event unforgettable with our custom web-invitations. We'll design an engaging and personalized online invitation with appropriate content, photos, videos, etc. that captures the spirit of your event and leaves a lasting impression on your guests.

Event Details

Our WhatsApp invitation and reminder service will send personalized invitations and timely reminders straight to your guests' WhatsApp, ensuring everyone stays informed and excited for your event.

Stress-Free Event Management: Let Us Handle Everything Digitally!

Enjoy your event worry-free with our comprehensive service. We'll handle the design, invitations, and reminders, allowing you to focus on what matters most—creating unforgettable memories.

What We Offer

Digital Invitation

Design and send personalized digital invitations effortlessly, ensuring your event stands out with elegance and convenience.

WhatsApp Invite

We send Webvite to your guests over WhatsApp on your behalf along with timely reminder so that they don't miss attending the event.

Google Map Integration

Seamlessly incorporate location details, ensuring easy navigation and precise directions for your event attendees.

Sample WebVites

Endless ways to spread the joy

Design as per Event

We design WebVite for you based on the event and the template you select

Share WebVite

Share list of WhatsApp numbers with us to whom the invite has to be shared

Sit Back & Enjoy

Leave sharing invite/reminder to us, get busy with other stuffs & start enjoying

Leave Invitation Sharing to Us!

Relax and immerse yourself in the anticipation of your upcoming event, knowing that the intricacies of invitation sharing are in capable hands. With our seamless invitation-sharing service, you can focus on savoring every moment of the occasion while we take care of spreading the word to your guests. Whether it’s through email, social media, or other channels, rest assured that your invitations will be shared promptly and efficiently, leaving you free to enjoy the festivities stress-free. Just sit back, relax, and let us handle the details, ensuring a memorable and hassle-free event for all.